Kamis, 05 Juni 2014

The Fourth Dimension Revisited

By DR.David Yonggi Cho
            Before I wrote the “Fourth Dimension”, I had a terrible time in my life because of the things that were happening in Korea.  In those days, the Buddhist Monks were healing the sick, and many famous people were healed through the Buddhist Monks.
            The Buddhist Monks would take the people to the prayer Grottoes to pray for them, and many leading figures in Korea went to them for prayer.  They were healed from many diseases including cancer.
            Many Christians became confused, and they would come to me and ask me how Buddhist Monks could heal?  They asked me what the difference was between the healings from the Buddhist Monks and the Christian healings?
            At the same time there was a great Buddhist Revival in Japan, and it had a great influence on the Japanese society.  They also had great healings in Japan, and so all of the Christians were confused.
            The Christian healings were no longer special because the heathen religions had their own healings as well.  I needed to receive a clear answer from the Lord.  I went to Prayer Mountain and entered a prayer grotto to receive deep revelation about how to explain these things to the people.
            Out of that time of prayer came the book, the “Fourth Dimension”.  God gave me a very clear series of revelations to explain the truths through geometry.  Geometry has nothing to do with the revelations in the Word of God, but while I was praying the Lord`s Spirit unveiled these truths to me.
            I want to reveal these truths to you today.  These truths enabled me to build the Kingdom of God this far and they will in the future.  Geometrically, the distance between two things is a line between the two points.  The line should not have any thickness or width.
            It is an imaginary line, and the first dimension is a line between two points.  The second dimension is when you line up many lines together to make a plane.  The third dimension is when you gather together all of the second dimension planes, and it is the cubical world.  It is the time, space and material world.  The third dimension includes the first and second dimensions.
            This world is of the third dimension of time, space and materials.  Who made the first dimension?  It is found in the Book of Genesis, that the Holy Spirit hovered over the third dimension, and He brought order into it.  The earth, water, and animals were created by God.
            The fourth dimension is the unseen spiritual realm. The fourth dimension includes all dimensions as the Lord is over all and in all. Human beings are in the fourth dimension through the Spirit of God or the demonic spirits.
            That is why human beings are creative for good or evil.  Geometrically speaking, you can see the different realms or dimensions in the world.  The spiritual belongs to the fourth dimension.
            The Buddhist Monks had the fourth dimension inside, and so they were able to perform  supernatural healings through the demons.  The Monks use the occultish method of visualization, strong soulish wills and verbal proclamation to perform their counterfeit healings.  We, Christians proclaim our healings from the Lord Jesus Christ because, “By His stripes; we are healed in Jesus` Name!”
            The Holy Spirit said that the magicians in Egypt could perform many miracles through this method.  The fourth dimension was used by the magicians in Egypt almost to the caliber of Moses` miracles.
            Through the third dimension, they created the snakes, blood, frogs, and lice.  These were creative supernatural demonstrations, but Moses was able to exceed all of their magic.  Moses was operating in the Holy Spirit fourth dimension whereas the magicians were operationing in the human and demonic fourth dimension.
            The Holy Spirit said to me, “Human beings can bring miracles through yoga, and they do the yoga through their minds when they concentrate.”  They can bring healings by calling upon the evil fourth dimension powers.
            In Korea, the Monks were practicing the fourth dimension, but their power was manipulating the first dimension through their flesh and their evil spirits.  The Holy Spirit told me that I needed to do miracles far surpassing the evil fourth dimension by the power of God. The Lord told me how to operate in His fourth dimension.
            1.) The fourth dimension involves what we think.  The Bible says in Ephesians 3:20, “Now unto Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us.”
            God`s fourth dimension power works through your thoughts, and when you think negatively, you are blocking God`s power.  Your spirit is above the third dimension physical body and realm.  When you have negative thinking, you are bringing tremendous negative effects upon your body.
            If you have hatred in your thinking, then your body and health will be effected in a negative manner.  Your thinking is what empowers the fourth dimension in your life, whether it is bad or good. Whether your thinking is of the enemy or of God.
            You need to have very powerful, positive and godly thoughts in order to receive your healing, miracles and positive results from the Lord.  Faith in God activates the Lord`s power in your life, but thoughts of anger, unforgiveness, bitterness, hatred and strife activate the evil powers of the fourth dimension.  When people think on what is of God, then they will have creative power working in their lives for good. 
            Philippians 4:8, “Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.”
            On the other hand; thinking negative thoughts of anger, hatred, unforgiveness, contention, strife, racism sectarianism, and all evil thinking has the opposite effect on a person`s life. Negative thoughts and attitudes bring destruction upon the mind, the emotions and the body.
            Sickness and disease (which literally means dis “ease” or unrest) come from stress, worry, anger, unkindness and all evil thinking.  Our thoughts have power over the third dimensional world for good or for evil.  Our thoughts are very important.  We can have our minds transformed and our thinking renewed by the Word of God and by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.
            Romans 12:2, “And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.”
            I am trying to bring these teachings to my congregation.  When the people in my congregation grasp the importance of their thinking processes; they begin to have a great renewal for good in their lives.  Many people think that thoughts will not change anything, but that is not true as our thinking controls the fourth dimension in our lives.
            If you think thoughts such as, “I am ill, I am evil, I have high blood pressure, I have cancer, my business is going to fail”, and the list goes on and on; you will activate those manifestations in the third dimension of your body and your behaviors.
            You will end up having cancer, high blood pressure and all of the above.  Then the whole atmosphere is effected by your thinking, and it brings failures in your life. By preaching and teaching the Word of God, we overcome these negative thoughts.
            The roots of the negative things in your life come from someone`s negative thinking.  I asked the Lord how I could uproot the negative thinking, and He told me that it was by His Word, the Word of God, “By His stripes you are healed”, and “You can do all things through Christ which strengthens you”, etc.
            When I heard Phil Pringle talking about how the Word of God in Romans 8:28 brought a total change in his church: it was amazing.  The root was in the thought, not in the manifestation.
            We must renew our minds through the Word of God, and then the Holy Spirit fourth dimension can work through you. If you do not renew your mind in the Word of God, then the evil spirits of Satan can come in and control your thinking processes.
            2.) Secondly, the Holy Spirit fourth dimension also works through your visions and dreams.  These are very important.  Visions and dreams are what the fourth dimensional power works through.
            The monks ask their clients to visualize their desires; these are counterfeits of the true visions and dreams that come from the living God.  God gave great leaders in the Bible visions and dreams.  Abraham, Jacob, Daniel, and Joseph were given visions and dreams from God.
            These were fourth dimensional visions that brought forth the Kingdom of God.  Jacob`s dreams and visions brought a change in the DNA of the animals.  The fourth dimension is higher and more powerful than the first, second and third dimensions of the physical realm.
            In my church, we have many thriving ministries, and our business fellowship has 50,000 members.  Most of them are millionaires now, but when they first came to our church, they were broken, and they were poor.
            I preached about the power of the fourth dimension and that they must renew their minds through the Word of God and through visions and dreams from the Lord, and they were able to change their thought patterns.  Supernatural power came upon their bus through the power of the Holy Spirit.
            You can overcome all things through the Holy Spirit fourth dimension.  I was asked why my disciples were able to go out and have the largest churches wherever they went?  I always laugh and say, “They have been saturated to see things in great ways, and so that is all they knew.”  They don’t think in narrow or small terms, but they think very big because that is all they know.
            I am overjoyed to see their progress, and I know that they are average people, but they start big churches because they have learned the power of the Holy Spirit fourth dimension.  My wife used to be silent, but she caught visions and dreams from the Lord, and then she went out to help our universities and all of our ministries.
            She began to have great visions and dreams for education, and she took over our universities in Korea and in California.  Now, she wants to become an evangelist, and so she went to Bible College, and now she is conducting evangelistic meetings in Korea and all over the world.
            When you have the fourth dimensional vision in your heart, then your life is bound to be changed in a wonderful way!  I tell new pastors to write down their visions on paper so that they can go back read it to renew their visions and dreams from the Lord daily.
            3.) Your faith is the activating force of the Holy Spirit fourth dimension.  Leaders in the secular world use their human faith to attain their goals.  I marvel at the Governor of California as he was a body-builder and an actor, but now he has a high position in the government.  He first had to have a vision in order to become the Governor of California.
            Even, unbelievers exercise the fourth dimension without knowing it. Faith is what their mind is working through.  Islamic members have faith in their goals.  Christians say, “I can`t feel the faith”.  However, it is a matter of choice.
            If you don’t have faith, you will have fear and doubt.  Many times, I believe all of the circumstances that are negative, but then I choose to believe in what God says.  Faith is a decision.  You must believe.
            The head of the synagogue`s daughter died, but Jesus told him to have faith, and to believe that his daughter would live.  Mary and Martha were at the tomb of their brother Lazarus, because he had been dead for days.
            Jesus told them if they would believe, they would see a resurrection to the glory of God. Through faith, we are able to exercise the fourth dimension in our lives.  Jesus Christ always said that your faith will heal you.  This faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.  We must believe the Word of God, and we will have faith.
            4.) Prayer is the means whereby that we can acquire the Holy Spirit fourth dimension.  People say, “Why should we pray for 2 or more hours?”  The longer you pray, the more you give the Holy Spirit an opportunity to work in your thoughts and lives.  Through prayer, you open your life and the lives of your family, friends and fellowman to the Holy Spirit.  Prayer is where great creative power is birthed.
            When I say a prayer, the words bring the power of God into my life.  The Lord`s prayer is very powerful, and through prayer we put ourselves in the fourth dimensional world.  Praying the Lord`s prayer builds your faith, and you can be healed, delivered and transformed by believing and praying the Lord`s prayer.  The widow that came to the unrighteous judge just asked the judge for justice, and she kept coming to him night and day with this same request.
5.) The mouth`s confession is a powerful part of the fourth dimension.  God spoke this earth into existence.  He spoke, and the heavens and earth were formed.  The Word of God spoken through your mouth is powerful in the fourth dimension.
People ask me how I built this church, and I tell them that I spoke it out; and then the Holy Spirit built the church.  Be careful what you speak as what you bind on earth is bound in heaven and what you loose will be loosed in heaven.
It is done by your words.  We declare, “Thy will be done in the third dimension as it is done in the fourth dimension”.  God calls things that are not, as if they were.  We are commanding God`s perfect will be on earth as it is in heaven in the fourth dimension.
Always use these five steps when you desire to accomplish something in the Kingdom of God. First, it starts with your thoughts, then the thoughts are formed by your visions and dreams from God; thirdly, you need to have faith and believe that it will happen; fourth, you need to pray about it repeatedly, and lastly or fifth, you need to speak it out of your mouth or declare it as accomplished.
The Holy Spirit fourth dimension works beautifully through these five steps and you can be greatly effective in the Kingdom of God.  I am trying to build the fourth dimension in the hearts of people so that they can bear much fruit for the Kingdom of God.  Then, the Holy Spirit can work through them in a mighty way!  Most people`s thinking is in the terrible, destructive fourth dimension.
I then counsel them to enter into the Holy Spirit fourth dimension which will bring healing, deliverance, growth, goodness, renewal and restoration in their lives.  We are not trying to find a way in the dark, murky places, but we Christians know the true and right way. It is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. It is found in Jesus Christ and His Word.
His Way will revolutionize your life and your world.  The Christian`s supernatural works will far surpass the works of the evil fourth dimension works.  We can do even greater and greater works through growing in the Holy Spirit fourth dimension every day.  We do not have to stop this five-step process, and it will continually grow and grow.
I changed my thinking from expansion to extension.  Now, I am not trying to make my individual church grow, but I am extending it outward by pioneering and extending my church outward into far reaching areas in Korea and the world.  We will have 5,000 new churches started in Korea first.  We already have 300 new churches started.
I will be spending money for my disciples so that they can grow, and we can all grow together as a team.  The Holy Spirit fourth dimension will give you revolutionary, new ideas so that you can have glorious church growth wherever you go.  The Holy Spirit controlled fourth dimension will bring God`s very best into your life, your family, your ministry and your world.
Zechariah 4:6, “Then he answered and spake unto me, saying, This is the word of the LORD unto Zerubbabel , saying, Not by might, nor by power, but My spirit, saith the LORD of hosts”. 
DR.David Yonggi Cho is the Senior Pastor of The Yoido Full Gospel Church in Seoul, Korea.  He is also the Founder, President and Chairman of the Board of Directors for “The Church Growth International Ministry.

Bambang Wiyono, BBM pin 27FC1D2D,


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